Monday, December 27, 2010

360 time!

sorry i'm  a bit late but its been a pretty hectic couple of days.
Christmas I rode breckenridge till lunchtime then went home and got ready and helped out with everything.
Then we had christmas dinner and it was pretty good, I hadn't had roast ham since last christmas. It was so good. Boxing day, we had a sleep in and then went to see little fockers. It was pretty funny. Today we went riding and I wasn't quite in the mood , it was a cold snowing day and all my clothes were in the wash so I had no layers to wear. I got out and it was a pretty good day for park. By 3rd run I hit the last jump at park lane which means now i've hit every jump in park lane now :) after lunch time, I started  spinning 180s all ways. After half an hour of hiking I tried a backside 360 and stomped it. The next half an hour was spent styling my back 3's then off to front 1s and then frontside 360s. It was sooo good to be spinning again and I love it! I have some footage but I have to organise then ill get a little edit together.We have a night shoot soon so that should be super fun.

Peace Alex xoxox

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